Using Unvault to Read Vaulted and Non Vaulted Files

Published: August 16, 2020 by Author's Photo Shane Rainville | Reading time: 2 minutes
Learn how to use the new Ansible Unvault plugin in a lookup to read the contents of any file, vaulted or non vaulted. Ansible will automatically detect and decrypt as necessary.

Unvault is a plugin introduced by the Ansible core team which allows you to read contents of any file, vaulted or not. Used within a lookup you can retrieve the contents of a specific file. Ansible we determine whether it is vaulted or not and apply the appropriate action to read it.

Create a regular file

The following file be used as an example non-vaulted file that will have its contents read using unvault in a lookup. The file’s name will be foo.txt, and it will have the following contents:

hello, world!

Lookup contents of a file

In order to retrieve the contents of the file we use a lookup with the unvault plugin, and specify the path to the file on the Ansible controller’s file system.

- name: Read contents of foo.txt
  debug: msg="the value of foo.txt is {{lookup('unvault', '/etc/foo.txt')|to_string}}"

The output of the debug message will contain the contents of the foo.txt file.

hello, world!

Create a vaulted file

Our next example will be of a vaulted file named bar.txt.vaulted. Create a new vaulted file named bar.txt.vaulted.

ansible-vault create bar.txt.vaulted

The file will have the following contents.

hello, world! I'm vaulted!

Lookup contents of vaulted file

Using a lookup with the unvault plugin we can read the contents of the vaulted file bar.txt.vaulted. In the example below, like in the non-vaulted file example above, we are outputting the contents of the file in a debug message.

- name: Read contents of bar.txt.vaulted
  debug: msg="the value of bar.txt.vaulted is {{lookup('unvault', '/etc/bar.txt.vaulted')|to_string}}"

The debug message should print the following to screen.

hello, world! I'm vaulted!
Author Photo
Blogger, Developer, pipeline builder, cloud engineer, and DevSecOps specialist. I have been working in the cloud for over a decade and running containized workloads since 2012, with gigs at small startups to large financial enterprises.

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Learn how to use the new Ansible Unvault plugin in a lookup to read the contents of any file, vaulted or non vaulted. Ansible will automatically detect and decrypt as necessary.