Ansible V2.10.0 Released

Published: August 16, 2020 by Author's Photo Shane Rainville | Reading time: 2 minutes.
Ansible version v2.10.0 has officially been released, which includes a new built-in plugin named unvault, as well as a number of other features.

Ansible has official announced the release of version v2.10.0 of its configuration management tool. The release comes with a number of majors changes and a new plugin. The majors noted in the release are as follows:

  • Both ansible-doc and ansible-console’s help command will error for modules and plugins whose return documentation cannot be parsed as YAML. All modules and plugins passing ansible-test sanity –test yamllint will not be affected by this.
  • Collections may declare a list of supported/tested Ansible versions for the collection. A warning is issued if a collection does not support the Ansible version that loads it (can also be configured as silent or a fatal error). Collections that do not declare supported Ansible versions do not issue a warning/error.
  • Plugin routing allows collections to declare deprecation, redirection targets, and removals for all plugin types.
  • Plugins that import module_utils and other ansible namespaces that have moved to collections should continue to work unmodified.
  • Routing data built into Ansible 2.10 ensures that 2.9 content should work unmodified on 2.10. Formerly included modules and plugins that were moved to collections are still accessible by their original unqualified names, so long as their destination collections are installed.
  • When deprecations are done in code, they to specify a collection_name so that deprecation warnings can mention which collection - or ansible-base - is deprecating a feature. This affects all Display.deprecated() or AnsibleModule.deprecate() or Ansible.Basic.Deprecate() calls, and removed_in_version/removed_at_date or deprecated_aliases in module argument specs.
  • ansible-test now uses a different default test container for Ansible Collections

Removed features

Version 2.10.0 of Ansible has removed support for check_invalid_arguments in AnsibleModule, AzureModule, and UTMModule. If you are using this in any of your playbooks, you will need to remove it before updating your Ansible installation.

New Plugins

Lookup - Unvault

This release comes bundled with a new lookup named unvault. This lookup returns the contents from files on the Ansible controller’s file system, vaulted or not.

An example of using the new feature would look something like the following:

- name: Get contents of foo.txt
  debug: msg="the value of foo.txt is {{lookup('unvault', '/etc/foo.txt')|to_string}}"

Unvault allows you to read the contents of files, whether they are vaulted or not. If a file being read is discovered to be vaulted, it will be decrypted on the fly. In the example above, a file named /etc/foo.txt is being read as an operation of a task, with it’s contents being displayed in a debug message. When Ansible attempts to open the file it will detect whether the file is vaulted or not.

Last updated on August 17, 2020 by Shane Rainville: Fix typos and grammar 591191981f7cc28a26f41f02745ecc0ba7650649
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Blogger, Developer, pipeline builder, cloud engineer, and DevSecOps specialist. I have been working in the cloud for over a decade and running containized workloads since 2012, with gigs at small startups to large financial enterprises.

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Ansible version v2.10.0 has officially been released, which includes a new built-in plugin named unvault, as well as a number of other features.